Monday, March 07, 2005

pay now and play later

i feel so fulfilled as i walked down the corridor of XU graduate school and submitted two of my final case analyses at the MBA office last saturday (march 05, 2005). wow!! how time fly so fast!! one semester has just been completed.. di ko man lang namalayan...

so far, i am enjoying this journey that i recently embarked on... the new friends that i gained, the time we spent on coffee shops and fastfoods discussing cases, the debates during class, and our weird professors who have their distinct odd behaviours...hehehe!

although i missed my saturday basketball games, my afternoon at the movies or beach or a good book, my thursday bible study group in our local church CCF (u just wait guys coz im coming back na! heehhhe), and of course a great deal of my limited income...but it's worth it. the process i went through during the first semester of my MBA taught me lessons of persistence , determination, and focus...i'm still practicing these principles though but the journey in itself has brought me enough joy already...

i realized that one way or the other i need to learn these things.. it's always been my fervent prayer that God will always remind me of my purpose... that my eternal perspective will always dominate my thoughts and heart... and that i should enjoy this process that i am going through...

i know God is training me to be strong... so that i would be able to take care of the people that i love, who will be going along with me in this journey. so that i will be able to help others find their way that i would be able to complete this earthly journey with a smile :-)! and then fly farther...

this is going to be a long journey... i'l just face them one day at a time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how i envy you! i really wanted to pursue a master's degree but time isn't on my side most especially now. i'm sure you'll go a long way. but don't forget to share the gospel in every opportunity that is given to you. always praying for you my dear brother in Christ!