Monday, May 23, 2005

letters from a young missionary I

i have always been proud of my friend Lloyd who is now in Thailand doing missionary work to preach the Gospel. i have made mention of him in many of my previous posts and i cant help mentioning him over and over again. he is one of the few people i've met who has a pure and servant heart.

i am a witness to his struggle between choosing to serve God and the comforts of the life he once had. i've seen him transformed into a man of character through the grace of God and i am always inspired by him.

i am posting few of his letters (e-mails) from Thailand that have inspired me, and i hope to encourage those who happen to read this post also. most of the succeeding e-mails were written in Bisaya, i hope i could translate it in English...but i dont have time so i'd leave it to the reader to do the translation... i would separate some of the letters in a different post and label it with its date of sending.


Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2005 04:58:31 +0100 (BST)

To Pastor Chris, dio elmer vale, pare michael, bro Alex and all my friends.

Sawatdi krap ka!! (hello)

Im here in Chiangmai, Northern Thailand. Im fine, thanks so much for your support. "Truly God is great!! God is good", I used to say it many many times but when I arrived in the field that statement became more meaningful.

I was blessed because before I came here I attended 2 days missions convention of Asians Centers for Mission (ACM) at Taguig. I've met a lot of Pinoy missionaries who do missions in the continents of Asia, Africa and Europe. All them echoed the same statement: " God is great and God is good."

I've also seen in Person international speakers like Peter Tokahira (missionary to Jerusalem who is now an Israeli citizen) he had written a book "Gods tsunami " I really recommend this book, Gordon Robertson of CBN Asia, and many great men in missions.

I agree with Tokahira, when he said the great exodus in the Philippines was authored by God. He said most jewish in Israel knows Christianity via their Filipino Care givers. ( the first people who received the gospel now become last to know ) He also said Filipinos are conquering the Arab continents. there are many secret followers there. Arab doesnt know this, what they thought as threat are the west not knowing they are already conquered by Christians.

Gordon Robertson being expert in History, proved to the audience that all great nations like Britain, American, France (known language for diplomacy) before becoming great they are the most missionary sending nations in the world. He even credited king Philip of Spain, That spain was once a powerful country because they made the propagation of the gospel a priority.

Magellan migth be a lousy missionary but remember in just one week after his arrival in Cebu in 1521 he baptized 800 people.( i cannot deny this Im fond of studying history) God used him even though he is not fit because mission is the heartbeat of God. God said whosoever call upon the name of God will be saved.

If no Magellan we are all muslim today or Buddist.

God really use blessing to bless other. Remember the Abrahamic Covenat in Genesis 12: God said to Abraham I will bless you so that all the nation of the earth will be bless through you. So the purpose of God's blessing is to share it to others. What happen when Isreal did not obey the mission. The bible is clear they are all scattered by force so that people from far away place can hear the message of salvation.(remember Daniel, nehemiah? )

Salvation should not be exclusive, it is for all people Read Ps 67. Truly God is calling Philippines (name after king Philip of Spain who sponsored missions to the east, also named after Philip the evangilist) to be a missionary sending country. If only we do mission long time ago, this diaspora should not have happened.

Dr. Robertson also said, the word "sent out" in the phrase " Pray to God of the harvest to sent out laborer to the field should be translated "Drive out" because its the same greek word used when applied to Jesus driving out money changer in the temple.

Therefore, Filipinos are driven out by God. Pinoy are Forced to do missions (this are our OFW) even though they are not fit (like magellan) because God concern is salvation should be share to all people.

We in Philipine claimed to be Christian. And the Bible said in Gal chapter 3: 29 (?) " if you are in Christ you are Abraham seed and heir according to the promise" What promise? go back to Gen 12: 1-3(?). the "promise of blessing" of course. I agree with Gordon Robertson that Philippines will rise again if he will obey his calling as missionary to his neighbors who are buddist, hindus and muslims.

Not all can go but all can support by advocating missions awareness, prayers, and mobilizing others.

GOD bless Philippines!!

PS Thailand is a very prosperous country!!! I wish Philippine be like Thailand

God bless you all! Thanks so much

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